
Roll-Up Design for BNP


Recently, I had the pleasure of collaborating with BNP, a leading financial institution, to design a set of roll-up banners that would not only inform but also enthrall. This project was a fantastic opportunity to showcase the power of strategic design and its ability to elevate a brand's presence.

Understanding the Challenge: BNP's Vision

BNP's brief was clear: they wanted eye-catching roll-up banners that effectively communicated their brand message and resonated with their target audience. They emphasized the need for designs that were both professional and approachable, reflecting BNP's values of trust, innovation, and accessibility.

Embracing the Design Process: From Inception to Impact

1. Research and Ideation:

My journey began with immersing myself in BNP's brand identity, target audience, and campaign goals. I devoured marketing materials, conducted competitor analysis.

This research phase fueled my creative brainstorm. I sketched out various concepts, experimenting with color palettes, imagery, and layouts. The goal was to strike the perfect balance between memorability and clarity, ensuring the message landed seamlessly.

2. Software Savvy: Bringing Ideas to Life

With a vision locked in, I turned to my trusted design tools – primarily Adobe InDesign. This industry-standard software allowed me to translate my sketches into polished, pixel-perfect designs. I meticulously crafted the layout, ensuring optimal content hierarchy and visual flow.

3. Imagery: The Language of Emotion

Powerful visuals are the heart of any successful roll-up banner. I carefully selected high-quality images that aligned with BNP's brand identity and resonated with their target audience. The chosen images evoked emotions like trust, security, and progress, perfectly complementing the brand message.

4. The Power of Words: A Compelling Message

Concise and impactful copy is essential for effective communication. I collaborated closely with BNP's marketing team to craft clear, concise messaging that resonated with their target audience. The focus was on highlighting key value propositions and using persuasive language to encourage engagement.

5. Refinement and Iteration:

No design is perfect in its first iteration. Throughout the process, I presented drafts to BNP for feedback, incorporating their suggestions to refine the design and ensure it met their vision. This collaborative approach resulted in roll-up banners that were not only aesthetically pleasing but also strategically effective.

Unveiling the Final Product: A Banner Success Story

The final roll-up banners were a resounding success. They garnered positive feedback from both BNP and their target audience, effectively capturing attention and communicating the brand message in a clear and engaging way. The use of strategic design elements such as captivating visuals, clear messaging, and a professional layout played a key role in this achievement.

Beyond the Project: The Value of Strategic Design

This project served as a reminder of the transformative power of strategic design. By taking the time to understand the client's needs, target audience, and brand identity, I was able to create roll-up banners that went beyond mere decoration. They became powerful communication tools that helped BNP achieve its marketing goals and make a lasting impression.

So, if you're looking to captivate your audience and elevate your brand presence, consider the power of well-designed roll-up banners. Remember, strategic design is an investment, not an expense, and the returns can be significant.

Do you have a project that needs a design boost? Let's chat and see how I can help you turn your vision into a reality.


  • Indesign
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • design
  • graphic design
  • roll-up

Designed & Built by Esat Ergunes

Version 2.0